I have always been grateful for my family, but until this year I didn't know how much they really mean to me. They have been there for me when I needed them most. My parents dropped everything and came and got me from school because I was going through a really rough time. That time is not over, but I'm on a brighter road than I was before. It feels so good being home.
We may have things in our lives that really challenge us, whether it be school or just life in general. But let's not ever forget that there must be a certain darkness to see the stars. Those stars are one of the most beautiful things on this planet. We must go through certain trials in life to truly understand ourselves. We all go through a phase when we search for ourselves and try to understand why this one thing brings us down. But we need to learn to embrace our weaknesses and make them as if they are our strengths. No one will be wiser. If you have a tough time with this, fake it until you mean it; it works, trust me.
Focus on the positive. If you do this then you will be a much happier person. If there are people who do not offer to help you when you are going through a tough time and they can sense it, then forget them. Focus on yourself and heal. Those who really matter in your life will at least make an effort to stay in your life and offer a hand. My question for you is: Why do some people not talk to you when they know you are going through a tough trial?
I cannot say it enough, I am so grateful for my family! I would not be in the state I am without them. Even though I may not show it sometimes, I love them so much that words cannot express it! I frickin' love my family!
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