Saturday, December 21, 2013

I Deserve Happiness

I deserve everything that makes me happy. And those people who have not been there for me, then today is the day that I will no longer let you drag me down. These people I speak of probably don't know that they have affected me negatively, but all the same, they have. And I let them. Its days like this that I love. I realize that I have been dragged down to the deepest hole in the darkness. It's like the story of the lobster being cooked, the lobster had no idea what was happening to him until it was too late. But today, I write to tell you that I will not let other people's silence make me silent. No. We only let people influence our lives if we let them. I have learned that other people's opinions or judgements should not affect you to the point where you feel defeated. I will not let these people's lack of conversation drag me down any further. Today is the day that I will put them behind me. I deserve happiness.

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