Saturday, December 21, 2013

Growing Pains

The pains of growing up:

Letting go of the people who don't make you happy anymore

Learning that not every guy will want to marry you
Difficult trials
Realizing who your real friends are
Facing the real world and all it entails

The joys of growing up:

Enjoying each new day 
Watching the sun set
Spending time with family
Having those tough times to make you a stronger person
Reminiscing the good ole days 
Making new friends 
Having that one friend I can talk to about anything

(There are many more pains and joys in life, but these are the only ones I could come up with).

In the end, the joys of life out weigh the pain. In the moment we may think that this trial will never end. But let me tell you something, it will. The biggest trial I have ever faced in my life is still ongoing, but I will be able to get through it. I will not lie, I have had so many thoughts of just giving up. I know that giving up is not the answer. If I gave up, then the enemy would win. It's not the light at the end of the tunnel that is helping me along, it's the light throughout the tunnel that is making this journey a little easier.

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